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Venue Directions

Venue Info

Fan Code of Conduct


From Vancouver: TransCanada Highway 1, Exit 32 to Sprott St.
From East: TransCanada Highway 1, Exit 33 to Canada Way


There are two (2) public entrances to the venue, Main East Gate and West Gate.
The Main East Gate is located on the northeast side of the venue, next to the Shadbolt Centre.

Ticketmaster "Will Call" is located at this entrance.
All patrons picking up tickets from Will Call and those with tickets can access the site at this gate.

Anyone picking up tickets from the Deer Lake Ticketmaster Will Call Box Office at the Main Gate must ensure they have the matching credit card used to purchase the tickets, photo I.D. and the confirmation number of the ticket order.

The West Gate is located on the northwest side of the venue.

Both entrances feed from Deer Lake Avenue off Deer Lake Parkway or Canada Way. Signs will point patrons in the direction of site access.